Export Segmentation Masks

How to save the outputs of your model to disk

Thomas Capelle


June 11, 2021


You already have a trained model and want to run inference over a large dataset of images (in my case over 3kk images), how to do this efficiently and fast. We already have access to fastai’s Learner.get_preds method, but you need to be able to fit in memory the full output, for my use case of segmentation masks over large images it is just not possible. Let’s build a solution to save the prediction to file using a dataloader to make inference fast and batched.

from fastai.vision.all import *
def is_gpu(dev=0):
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
Quadro RTX 8000

we already have a model that is working good, for the sake of simplicity I am loading a torchscript model from file.

model = torch.jit.load(PATH/'model_checkpoints/unet_small_stage1.jit').cuda()

we have a dataframe with our data

group image_path elevation azimuth ghi_cs kt ghi
2019-01-08 10:04:16.970 0 2019-01-08/image19-01-08_10-04-16-97.png 18.020898 1412.8 277.376311 0.181790 50.426096
2019-01-08 10:18:17.000 1 2019-01-08/image19-01-08_10-18-17-00.png 18.975492 1412.8 295.647541 0.185127 54.741370
2019-01-08 10:19:16.980 1 2019-01-08/image19-01-08_10-19-16-98.png 19.038769 1412.8 296.875387 0.177907 52.806228
2019-01-08 10:41:16.960 2 2019-01-08/image19-01-08_10-41-16-96.png 20.297296 1412.8 321.138689 0.177493 57.007973
2019-01-08 10:42:16.950 2 2019-01-08/image19-01-08_10-42-16-95.png 20.344993 1412.8 322.050887 0.194303 62.576990

Inference on one image at a time

let’s grab one image:

img_path = df.image_path.sample(1).item()
pil_img = load_image(img_path)

We will use fastai transforms, but the same can be done using torchvision.transforms,

import torchvision.transforms as T
img_tfms = T.Compose([T.ToTensor(),

Here to compose we use the Pipeline

tfms = Pipeline([PILImage.create, 
                 Normalize.from_stats(*WSISEG_STATS, cuda=False)])

these transforms will convert the image to tensor, so we can pass it through the model

tensor_img = tfms(img_path)

into the model

raw_out = model(tensor_img.cuda())
torch.Size([1, 4, 192, 256])

this is a segmentation model with 4 classes, so the output has 4 channels. We need to postprocess this to get a 1 channel uint8 image with values in [0,1,2,3]. We will also reconvert this output to PIL to save it later.

def postprocess(out):
    "Transform the output of the model to a uint8 mask"
    return PILMask.create(out.squeeze(0).argmax(0).cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8))

it looks fine

show_images([pil_img, postprocess(raw_out)])

Now, if we want to compute this process on all images (it is going to be slow…) let’s do some refactor:

def predict_one(img_path):
    "evaluate `img_path` into model"
    tensor_img = tfms(img_path)
    with torch.no_grad():
        raw_out = model(tensor_img.cuda())
    return postprocess(raw_out)
mask = predict_one(img_path)

We now want to save this image besides the original one. Let’s leverage some fastcore’s magic and patch pathlib.Path to be able to put an arbitrary suffix on our images: :::{.callout-note}

Path.with_suffix cannot put an arbitrary suffif with the _GT string before the extension, so we have to patch it.


def my_suffix(self:Path, suffix=''):
    "replace the everything after the dot (including the dot) with `suffix`"
    path = self.with_suffix('')
    return path.parent/f'{path.name}{suffix}'

this way, our masks will be called *_GT.png

img_path, img_path.my_suffix('_GT.png')

To process the full dataset one would do this: - iterate over all images one by one - compute inference on each - save the postprocessed mask

for img_path in progress_bar(df.image_path.to_list()):
    mask = predict_one(img_path)

Batched images to files

From DataLoader to files

Let’s try to make better use of the GPU, we will feed batches of images all at once. We already have DataLoaders to do this, let’s make a simple TfmdDL object, to stack our items with the transforms together. Here we need to split the transforms on the ones that are called after getting the item (the image path) and after stacking the tensors into a batch. The latter ones are computer on the GPU.

files = df.image_path.to_list()
dl = TfmdDL(files, 
            after_item=[PILImage.create, ToTensor()], 
            after_batch=[IntToFloatTensor, Normalize.from_stats(*WSISEG_STATS)], 

we get a nice batch of images (64 in this case) ready to feed the model

b = next(iter(dl))
torch.Size([64, 3, 192, 256])
torch.Size([64, 4, 192, 256])

Here we have performed inference on 64 images all at once, but the posprocessing need to happen imager per image anyway. We have recover the original images filenames to be able to store the masks and make the maping with the original image. We kind of need a DataLoader for the filenames, here comes chunked function to the recue. :::{.callout-note}

chunked splits the files on chunks of bs so we can iterate at the same time on the image paths.


fnames_bs = chunked(files, chunk_sz=64)

In my case, this solution is 10 times faster than doing the images one by one.

for b, fnames in progress_bar(zip(dl, fnames_bs), total=len(files)//bs):
    with torch.no_grad():
        y = model(b)
    for torch_mask, fname in zip(y, fnames):
        mask = postprocess(torch_mask)

With a DataBlock

We can do the same thing with a data block

block = DataBlock(blocks=ImageBlock, 
                  batch_tfms= [Normalize.from_stats(*WSISEG_STATS)],
                  splitter=lambda o: ([], range_of(o)),
dl = block.dataloaders(df, bs=64, suffle=False).valid

the DataBlock API generates a DataLoaders object, that is just a wrapper around a train/valid pair of DataLoaders. As we passed a dummy split (no split), the train dataloader is empty, and we will use only the valid one. Also, the batch in this case is composed of a tuple (x,y) where y is empty, hence we need to do x, = b (or b[0])

for b, fnames in progress_bar(zip(dl, fnames_bs), total=len(files)//bs):
    with torch.no_grad():
        x, = b
        y = model(x)
    for torch_mask, fname in zip(y, fnames):
        mask = postprocess(torch_mask)
85.72% [2773/3235 06:11<01:01]

The fastai way

Using the test_dl on the Learner.

If you have loaded in memory a learner (or a DataLoaders) you can use the test_dl method. This is very handful when you just finished training your model. You can easily construct a dataloader with the exact same transforms used to train the model (in reality it takes the validation transforms, so no augment and no shuffling). Then, you can do just like before using the test_dl

test_dl = learn.dls.test_dl(files)
for b, fnames in progress_bar(zip(test_dl, fnames_bs), total=len(files)//bs):
    with torch.no_grad():
        y = model(b)
    for torch_mask, fname in zip(y, fnames):
        mask = postprocess(torch_mask)